Formulated with bio-active curcumin, a polyphenic compound to reduce inflamation

How to use
Ear drops
Tilt your head to the side and slowly apply 1-3 drops into your ear canal. Let the drops sit for 5-10 seconds.
Place a clean cloth outside your ear and return your head to upright. Gently wipe away excess drops, Repeat on the other side.
Use up to 2x a day. You can use it before or after entering the water or anytime you feel ear discomfort. It’s a great addition to your daily bathing routine.

Formulated with oxygenated molecules that bubble inside the ear canal to remove dirt and debris

Where to use
Ear wash
Use BigWave Ear Wash during your daily shower! Why? The heat and steam from the shower soften ear wax allowing the bubbles in our solution to enter the ear canal fully. You clean everything else in the shower and it’s where you should be cleaning your ears too. Trust us on this one!
How to use
Ear wash
Turn your head to the side and gently spray Ear Wash into the ear, filling the ear canal. Keep your head to the side as the solution bubbles. The bubbles are working hard to clean your ears so let them do their job.
Leave in your ear for 10 seconds up to 1 minute. Return your head upright and allow the solution to drain out of your ear.
Rinse your ear with warm soapy water. BigWave Ear Wash can be used 1-2xs daily.

After cleaning your ears with BigWave Ear Wash, it is recommended to use BigWave Ear Drops. The Ear Wash cleans your ears and prepares the ear canal to absorb the powerful, healing, and anti-inflammatory agents in BigWave Ear Drops. Together, the Ear Wash and the Ear Drops are a complete system for your happiest, healthiest ears.